Creating and Nurturing a Biodanza Movement Biodanza Facilitators' Training by José Neve and Irene Franco
Fra 30. september 2017 10:30
til 1. oktober 2017 17:30
Adresse: Fossveien 24, 0551 Oslo

Nå er kull 2 ved Norsk Biodanzaskole snart på vei ut av skolen. Og det begynner å bli en stund siden kull 1 var ferdige. Vi har blitt en liten gjeng med Biodanza-entusiaster som side om side, og sammen ønsker å gi Biodanza videre.
Vi vet at gruppen er essensiell i biodanza. Hvordan bygge gruppene våre? Hvordan bygge oss som gruppe og gruppefelt?
Jeg har derfor invitert Irene Franco og Jose Neves fra Portugal til å bringe inn sin vitale energi og erfaringer fra Portugal i forhold til det å bygge en felles platform, et næringsrikt felt, den enkeltes grupper og oss som gruppe osv.
Denne workshopen er det siste tilbudet jeg gir til dere før Paola tar over driften ved skolen i partnerskap med meg. Jeg håper den kan være en brobygger mellom kullene og lærerne, og jeg håper den vil gi ny inspirasjon til veien videre.
Creating and Nurturing a Biodanza Movement
Biodanza Facilitators' Training
by José Neves and Irene Franco
What do I want .:. What do I do .:. What do I get ...
Inner patrimony
I teach what I am
Why Biodanza SRT ?
Honouring the Biodanza SRT system .:. Differentiation .:. Becoming a Biodanza professional
I teach what I am
Why Biodanza SRT ?
Honouring the Biodanza SRT system .:. Differentiation .:. Becoming a Biodanza professional
Process .:. Applications and extensions .:. Social action
Process .:. Applications and extensions .:. Social action
The three brains
Needs and satisfaction
The venue and the three brains
Would I dance here?
The Biodanza session as a system
The theoretical module .:. Theory / Introduction .:. The sharing .:. The vivencia
The vivencia and the three brains
Radicalization of Progressivity .:. The methodological curve .:. Bio-semantic field .:. Space .:. Light .:. Consignas .:. Voice modulation .:. After-class
Needs and satisfaction
The venue and the three brains
Would I dance here?
The Biodanza session as a system
The theoretical module .:. Theory / Introduction .:. The sharing .:. The vivencia
The vivencia and the three brains
Radicalization of Progressivity .:. The methodological curve .:. Bio-semantic field .:. Space .:. Light .:. Consignas .:. Voice modulation .:. After-class
Students follow-up
Interviews .:. Emails .:. Newsgroup .:. After-class
Deepening the connections within the group Sharing .:. After-class .:. Getting together .:. Activities' promotion
Interviews .:. Emails .:. Newsgroup .:. After-class
Deepening the connections within the group Sharing .:. After-class .:. Getting together .:. Activities' promotion
Making yourself visible
Marketing channels .:. What to use and not use in marketing .:. Biodanza branding .:. Raising awareness .:. Me vs We .:. Levels of exposure
Marketing channels .:. What to use and not use in marketing .:. Biodanza branding .:. Raising awareness .:. Me vs We .:. Levels of exposure
Welcoming new students
Group's dynamics .:. Safety, affectivity, challenge and expansion
Group's dynamics .:. Safety, affectivity, challenge and expansion
Effective and affective feedback
Building a group and a movement in an harmonious environment
Building a group and a movement in an harmonious environment
Biodanza as a process
Weekly group .:. Deepening workshops .:. Facilitator's training .:. Continued Learning
Weekly group .:. Deepening workshops .:. Facilitator's training .:. Continued Learning
Limiting beliefs
Myself .:. The others .:. The process
The systemic approach
Me vs We .:. The Batek .:. Confrontation and growth .:. Partnership .:. The third mind .:. Lower costs, higher visibility .:. Building together
Movement vs Market
Living the dream .:. The bus stop and competition
Myself .:. The others .:. The process
The systemic approach
Me vs We .:. The Batek .:. Confrontation and growth .:. Partnership .:. The third mind .:. Lower costs, higher visibility .:. Building together
Movement vs Market
Living the dream .:. The bus stop and competition
Portugal - Case Study
The role of the school .:. Biodanza as a process .:. Radicalization of Progressivity .:. Association .:. Facilitator's professionalization
The role of the school .:. Biodanza as a process .:. Radicalization of Progressivity .:. Association .:. Facilitator's professionalization
Irene og Jose

For å bygge et affectivt felt mellom oss trenger vi å danse sammen. Det blir 4 vivencias, samt teori rund disse relevante temaene som er direkte knyttet til vår praksis i egne uksgrupper, og oss som en større helhet.
Irene og Jose er utrolig inspirerende og kraftfulle, og det er en glede at de kan komme hit til oss.