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OSLO Biodanza deepening workshop with Unni - TRANSCENDENCE, HARMONY AND SPIRITUALITY

3. mars 2018 11:00 - 18:30

Adresse: Fossveien 24 (Lokalene til KHio i Oslo), 0551 Oslo

Welcome to a one day deepening workshop with Unni Heim in Oslo.


Saturday March 3 2018 at 11:00 to 18:30


Fossveien 24, Grunerløkka in Oslo

One of our instincts is a longing to connect, a longing to fuse, a longing for deep harmony with the totality.


Human beings have a natural capacity for transcendence, a natural state of deep peace and connection.


Inside this realm, you can also touch upon a force or state that many poets would refer to as "a divine flow of life", a state where your heart opens. The Sufi poets would call this bursting sensation in the chest “A blooming rose garden”, a poetic metaphor of this wonder.


This workshop is divided in two parts.

Part one 3 March 2018.

“Transcendence, harmony and spirituality” where we use the simplicity of movements to create harmony and connect with our own capacity for transcendence.


Part two 1 December 2018:

“The Mystic Rose - a poetic path to transcendence, spirituality and devotion” where we will use poetry from Rumi and others to invoke our own vivencia of the Mystic.



During both workshops, I will also share my motivation for giving this work, as well as share from my path the last 20 years.

I will also explain the link between biodanza, spirituality and mysticism.


Price for the workshop March 3 2018: Normal price 850 NOK /Early bird discount if signing up before February 1 2018: 750 NOK

To sign up please use the form and pay the deposit for 300 NOK. The deposit is non-refundable.

Teaching language is English if there are English-speaking participants in the group. If there are only Norwegian speaking participants, we use Norwegian language.

If you have questions please email Unni at unni@biodanza.no



Full price workshop 3 March: 850 kr

Early bird workshop 3 March: 750 kr

Deposit workshop 3 March: 300 kr

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