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The Mystic and the Magician - Bringing hidden potensial to Life - Deepening workshop with Unni Heim in Oslo

Fra 2. november 2019
til 3. november 2019

Adresse: Fossveien 24, 0551 Oslo

Warmly welcome to this weekend workshop in Oslo

Guided by the Archetype of the Mystic and the Magician - Bringing hidden potential to life

with Unni Heim (NO)

Saturday 2 November at 11:00 - 18:00 and Sunday 3 November at 11:00 - 17:00

This weekend I invite us to enter the creative and nourishing field of the Magician and the Mystic.

These two archetypes has a quite different dimension of operation:

  • the Mystic, being the master of the hidden potential, the inner space, the roots and the unknown. The Mystic is also the part of us willing to look behind the veil, to go beyond the matrix of what we perceive as reality (Maya). To make it simple one can say that the Mystic has its home in a yin- or a feminine energy.
  • the Magician on the other hand, is creating, expressing, transforming, reviling, manifesting. As a summery one can say that, the domain of the Magician is a Yang-, or a masculine energy.

However, the true Magician is deeply rooted with the mystery. He is the one bringing the hidden potential protected by the Mystic to life. The Magician and the Mystic are dancing hand in hand, and from time to time, the two of them become one giving us the capacity to see what is behind, and to create, not only for ourselves but also to the better of a larger unit.

Let us bring our hidden potential to life!

Who can participate?

The weekend is suitable for those who have been practising biodanza (weekly classes regularly or participated in at least one of my workshops earlier).

If you do not fit into any of these categories and would like to attend, please contact us. Together we can agree that the workshop can suit you. Send an email to unni@biodanza.no and we can together navigate in this.

Reservation, price and payment:

Price: 1400 NOK (1200 students at Norsk Biodanzaskole or people with season card in one of my groups)

Early bird price if deposit is paid before October 1: 1100 NOK

To sign up please pay a deposit of 300 by using the form on this page.

The deposit is non-refundable.

About the teacher:

Unni Heim is the founder of Biodanza in Norway and is the didactic director of Norsk Biodanzaskole. You can read more about Unni here.



Depositum: 300 kr

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