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Biodanza, Meditation and Silence retreat with Unni Heim at Dharma Mountain - Easter 2020

Fra 9. april 2020
til 12. april 2020

Adresse: Dharma Mountain, Hedalen Norway, Hedalen, Valdres , Norway

Biodanza, Meditation and Silence retreat with Unni Heim,

-4 day retreat at Dharma Mountain in the Hedalen valley, Valdres in Norway

from 18:00 Thursday 9. April 2020 until approx 16.00 Sunday 12. April 2020  

"The Power of Love.".

"Sometimes I long for silence. I long for time and space to go inside. I long for a deeper connection with my most intimate, inner space. I long for the connection with the totality that can emerge from there. I long for the soft clarity of mind. I long for the warmth that is being awakened in my heart, and the sense of abundance arising from within.

I love Biodanza and the strengthening of community it supports. I love the way my life potential is being stimulated and the connection it brings me with the origins of life. I love the way it helps us to bridge the inner and outer world to make it become one. I love how it gently opens me to love, and how it teaches me to be a better version of myself.

I love meditation; meditation through breathing, being, walking, moving, focusing, sensing and accepting.

And I love music, the power of music and singing; singing from the heart, surrendering together in love.

Biodanza, meditation, singing and silence nurture each other to guide me home; home to my inner self, to love, the eternal human connected and awake.

This is my motivation to give this Biodanza, Meditation and silence retreat." Unni Heim September 2019

Every day we will share one or two biodanza vivencias, one or two meditation/conscious movement session and one or two mantra singing sessions. We will also have sharing in small groups.

From Friday at lunchtime until Sunday lunchtime (two days) we invite the participants to keep the non-talking communication also between the sessions.

During most of the biodanza sessions, we use music from the sound system, but some dances and moments will be in silence. And if the weather allows, we will be out doors some moments.

Who can joyn?

We highly recommend that you have previous experience with Biodanza or other forms of inner life-, relational- or spiritual work. However it is not an absolute requirement. The most important thing is that you have a desire to open up to life and relations in all its beauty, the language of the heart, as well as going into silence for a longer time to sink deeper into the present moment.

Through dance, human contact, meditation, singing and silence we open up to connect deeper with ourselves, with others and life in all its totality.

If you have never done Biodanza before we recommend that you take a look at www.biodanza.no to get some more information to see if this could be the right place for you to start. You can also contact Unni to check out if this could be the right place for you to start (unni@biodanza.no)

Maximum 40 partisipants.

Practical information:


We are happy to choose the beautiful www.dharmamountain.com in Hadalen in Valdres as our venue for the retreat.

Here you will enjoy home cooked simple and natural food, hosted by warm and caring staff.

The event is a collaboration between Dharma Mountain and Unni Heim


Price & payment:

To reserve your place please pay a deposit of 600 NOK.

When the deposit is paid before 9 March, the total price for the group is 4.800 NOK.

When the deposit is paid after 9 March, the total price for the group is 5.400 NOK

Special price for people choosing to sleep at home close to Dharma Mountain: 3900 NOK early Bird / 4500 NOK Late bird

All deposits are non-refundable.

Single room additional cost: 800 NOK (If available)

Sign up by using the form at Dharma mountains webpage: http://dharmamountain.com/dharma_activities/biodanza-meditation-and-silence-retreat-with-unni-heim/

What is included in the fee?

- All workshops

- Shared accommodation for 3 nights (double room)

- Cleaning of the cottage on departure

- Hot evening meal on the arrival day

- Breakfast, hot lunch and evening soup on Friday and Saturday

- Breakfast and hot lunch on Sunday.

- Coffee and tea during the breaks


How to get there:

The venue (Dharma Mountain) is located about 2 hour's drive south-west of Oslo.

You can go by car or by bus.

You take the Bus to Nes i Ådal (This is the line called Valdresekspressen). From there you take a taxi 15 minutes. It is easy and not expensive to share taxi with other people for the last part of the journey.

Click here to see road descriptions and information about bus transportation.


About the accommodation:

You will sleep in holiday cottage. Each cottage has two bedrooms, with two beds in each room. One cottages have 3 bedrooms.

There will be two persons in each room.

Every cottage has its own bathroom!

Here you can see some pictures.


Teaching language:

The teachings will be done in English only.

About the teacher:

Unni Heim is the director of The Rolando Toro School for Biodanza - Norway and is the founder of Biodanza in Norway.

Read more about Unni here.

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