Biodanza Workshop - Light and darkness - Natural life cycles as transformative medicine
11. oktober 2020 11:00 - 17:30
Adresse: Marstrandgata 8, 0566 Oslo
Sunday October 11 at 11:00 - 17:30
RomForDans - Marstrandgate 8 (entrance from Stockholmgata)
Light and Darkness
Biodanza workshop with neo-shamanistic journey
(contact me for english text. The workshop will be in English if we have people in the room that do not understand Norwegian)
Velkommen til deg som ønsker å tre inn i livets mysterium for å utforske din spirituelle og eksistensielle reise.
Denne helgen inviterer jeg oss til å rette fokus mot våre iboende helbredende krefter og evnen og ønske om transformasjon.

Det blir to sesjoner (vivencias), og det blir en shamanistisk reise i en av dem.
Heling, transformasjon, sjamanisme, shape-shifting, lys, skyggen og mørket, aksept, eksistensiell kreativitet og spiritualitet.
Hvem kan delta?
Alle som føler tiltrekning til dette temaet, og som ønsker å koble seg dypere med seg selv, andre og livet som helhet er velkommen. Og bør helst ha tidligere erfaring med biodanza. Det er også en forutsetning at du har evne til en sunn affektregulering da du må kunne holde deg selv.
Spørsmål kan sendes via epost til
About the teacher Unni Heim:
Unni is the founder of Biodanza in Norway as well as founder of the training institute Norsk Biodanzaskole. She has been teaching regularly since 2006 and Biodanza is her full time job and passion. The last years Unni has also been inviting to teach internationally (Sweden, England, Ireland, Czech, Slovenia, South-Africa, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Bali and more). She is also a transpersonal psychotherapist (psychosynthesis) and she has the Master of Engineering degree from NTNU.
"My spiritual- and existential journey made a leap in 2000 when I needed to change everything in my life. Since then I have been passionate about the expansion of consciousness, healing and the art of human connection. This journey have given me deep meaning, new energy and I feel deep gratitude for being alive, connected and on an ever changing journey of discovery and love.
COVID-19 regulations.
All workshops will follow the Covid-19 guidelines as directed by government protocol. The space is large and we have very good routines for cleaning. If you have corona symptoms we kindly ask you to remain home.
Payment policy:
If I need to cancel due to corona or for other reasons, all money will be returned to you.
If you need to cancel before September 20 23:59 I refund the full fee.
If you need to cancel before October 9 23:59 I refund 800 NOK (full fee minus deposit of 300 NOK) (Legeerklæring kreves)
If you need to cancel after that no refund is given.