Nå 2 ledige plasser - VALDRES - Into the New - Biodanza, meditation, Flowdancing, cacao ceremony and shamanic rituals with Unni Heim - New Year at Dharma Mountain
Fra 29. desember 2021
til 1. januar 2022
Adresse: Dharma Mountain, Hedalsveien, Nes i Ådal, Valdres
Coronarestriksjoner: Jaaaa! Det blir Nyttårsretreat også i år - Into the new!Etter nær dialog med helse-og politisk ledelse i bygda, er vi oppfordret til å ikke avlyse. Vi har istedet blitt bedt om å endre på programmet. Dette har vi gjort. Alle de som var påmeldt har fått vurdere om de vil være med på dette nye, og de svarte JA. Derfor samles vi på Dharma også i år. Vi har nå to ledige plasser. Ta direkte kontakt med Dharma Mountain dersom du ønsker å være med. De vil da sende deg info om de endringene som er innført mht programmet.Into the New with Unni Heim
Biodanza, meditation, cacao ceremony, shamanic rituals and Flowdancing
Welcome to the 10th New Year with Unni at Dharma Mountain in Valdres, Norway.
Theme for this year:
Into the New
Since we last came together for a New Year retreat the world has been changing. Many of us are waking up, and there is a deep calling to live even more true; true to our deepest soul call. The end of the year invites to release and integrate the past, and to welcome and prepare for the future. In the here and now, we awaken qualities rooted deep inside of us, both on a personal, collective and spiritual level.
Through dance, human connection, meditation, ceremonies and rituals we will give time and space to welcome the new, to allow transformation, to birth the gifts that wants to be shared with the world.
Since 2010 we have had a fantastic time at the Biodanza New Year retreat.
I am once again happy to invite new and old participants to this deep, healing and joyful journey, this time also inviting in the new through other modalities then Biodanza on our journey. Modalities that I love and that has an intimate place in my own life.
About Biodanza: Biodanza is a radical system of healing, integration and change. It invites us to open up to life fully on all levels and to awaken dormant life potential. Dance, movements, connection on all levels (connection with yourself, with others and with life in its totality) are essential as powers of change in Biodanza.
About Shamanic Flowdancing: In 2006 I created a dance meditation method that I called Flowdancing. It builds on energy and movement, and it is an inner journey. The shamanistic Flowdancing is a ritual to enter our inner guidance and to be in ceremony with life. It is deeply embodying as well as a journey in energy, shape-shifting and our imaginary world.
About Shamanic Ceremonies and Rituals: To enter the moment in a ceremonial way opens new doors of perception. In many ancient traditions the ceremonial space is in fact an ever-present state. It is a way of showing our gratitude of life. During our retreat we will invite you into some heartful and loving rituals for healing and reconnection. On one of these ceremonies, we use ceremonial Cacao.
Come and celebrate life with us!
The retreat takes place in the middle of wild nature with mountains, rivers, trees, fresh air and clean snow.
The beautiful www.dharmamountain.com in Hedalen in Valdres as our venue for the retreat.
Here you will enjoy delicious food, hosted by warm and caring staff.
Here you can see the main house: http://dharmamountain.com/main-house/
Who can join?
The retreat is open to anyone feeling a resonance with this invitation. You need to be in psychological stable health, and able to contain yourself and your process. You also need to be drug free.
Number of participants: We do not know what kind of restrictions will be valid at that moment (if any). We invite a minimum of 15 participants. The valid government restrictions will set the maximum number of participants. The workshop has been fully booked several years.
Early bird price before 29 November:
5.330 NOK pr person with double room accommodation.
6.050 NOK pr person with single room accommodation.
4.355 NOK pr person when sleeping at home
* NB! After November 29th the price goes up 600,-.
You need to have paid the deposit by November 29th to get Early Bird price.
To reserve your place, you need to pay a deposit of 600 NOK.
All deposits are non-refundable*
* Unless if we need to cancel because of national restrictions and rules, everything will be paid back.
The rest of the payment must be paid by 20 December.
You can also pay everything now.
- All workshops (Biodanza, shamanic rituals, Flowdancing and meditation)
- Cleaning of the cottage on departure
- Hot evening meal on the arrival day
- Breakfast, hot lunch and evening soup on Thursday and Friday (New Year dinner on Friday)
- Breakfast and hot lunch on Saturday
- Coffee and tea during the breaks
To sign up: fill out this form on the page: https://forms.gle/yx46VafMi9xKdugBA
Dharma Mountain
Hedalsvegen 1220, 3528 Hedalen
(+ 47) 94 89 10 10
How to get there:
The venue (Dharma Mountain) is located about 2 hour's drive south-west of Oslo.
You can go by car or by bus.
Click here to see road descriptions and information about bus transportation.
About the accommodation:
You will sleep in holiday cottage. Each cottage has two bedrooms, with two beds in each room. One cottage have 3 bedrooms.
There will be two persons in each room unless you book for single room. If you pay for shared room, you can also choose to sleep on the loft in the cabin (mattress on the floor) One pr loft, in each cabin. Let us know if you are interested in this option.
Every cottage has its own bathroom!
Here you can see some pictures.
Teaching language:
The classes are given in English only. In case we will only be Norwegian speaking participants, we will use Norwegian.
About the teacher:
All sessions will be given by Unni Heim.
Unni is the director of The Rolando Toro School for Biodanza – Norway, and the founder of Biodanza in Norway. She is also the creator of Flowdancing.
Read more about Unni on www.biodanza.no