TROMSØ - Planting dream Seeds with Unni Heim
14. mai 2022
Adresse: Søndre Tollbodgate 7, 9008 Tromsø
Planting dream seeds
Setningen «Å plante drømmefrø» får hjertet mitt til å gjøre et hopp;
et hopp av glede, av forventning, av mystikk, av håp og undring. Jeg kjenner at et mulighetsrom åpner seg, samtidig som det kjennes sårbart.
Denne dagen inviterer jeg deg til å danse livet; både den indre verden, og i det skapende rommet der vi er en del av alt det skapte.
Denne dagen er for deg som ønsker å vekke inderlighet, glede, kreativitet og en sunn balanse mellom hvile og aktivitet.
- Hva ønsker jeg egentlig å tiltrekke meg?
- Hva venter på å komme til synet?
- Hva lengter sjelen etter?
- Hva er mine gaver?
- Hvilket fotavtrykk vil jeg sette?
Vi skal ikke lete etter svar, men i stedet la kroppen vise vei. Og du inviteres til å erfare ulike sider ved deg selv, både individuelt og i relasjon. Og du inviteres til å tillate det som vil spire til å få mer plass.
The phrase "Planting dream seeds" makes my heart leap;
a leap of joy, of anticipation, of mystery, of hope and wonder.
I feel that a space of opportunity opens up, at the same time as it feels vulnerable.
This day I invite you to dance life; both the inner world, and in the creative space where we are a part of all that is created.
This day is for you who want to awaken fervor, joy, creativity and a healthy balance between rest and activity.
What do I really want to attract?
What awaits to be born?
What does the soul long for?
What are my gifts?
Which footprint do I want to offer the earth?
We will not look for answers, but instead let the body show the way. And you are invited to experience different aspects of yourself, both individually and in a relationship. And you are invited to allow what is ready to sprout to have more space.
Who can participate?
Anyone who feels attracted to this topic, and who wants to connect more deeply with themselves, others and life as a whole is welcome.
Habibi dance studio, Søndre Tollbodgate 7, 9008 Tromsø
Kr 1100
Early bird price: NOK 800 for registration by 11 April 2022.
Registration: Use the form on this page.
About the teacher Unni Heim:
Unni is the founder of Biodanza and the Norwegian Biodanza School in Norway. She has taught regularly for over 15 years, in recent years also internationally (including in Sweden, England, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, the Netherlands, France, Italy). In addition, she has a background as a transpersonal psychotherapist (psychosynthesis) and has a degree in civil engineering from NTNU (formerly NTH).
"My spiritual opening took off in 2000 when I had to change absolutely everything in my life. Since then, much of my time has been spent on a continuous healing journey of discovery of what it means to be human. This journey makes deep sense, new energy and I feel grateful every single day that I get to experience all this. I know that life can feel painful. And I know that there are gifts waiting for us under every stone; gifts that open new doors we never knew existed. "