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Biodanza Extension Training - The Hero's journey with Flavio Boffetti organized by Norsk Biodanzaskole

Fra 23. september 2022
til 25. september 2022

Warm welcome to Biodanza Extension Training

"The Hero's Journey"

held by Flavio Boffetti in Oslo, Norway, September & October 2022 (se dates below)
This extension will be held in 2 parts plus two online sessions, and is open for all Biodanza facilitators, those under supervision and students of Biodanza schools undergoing methodology.

The Hero’s Journey” is a path of self-knowledge and personal growth prepared by Flavio Boffetti, inspired by the work of psychologist C.J. Pearson, C.G. Jung’s collective unconscious studies, the archetypal psychology of J. Hilman and using the traditional instruments of the Biodanza system of Prof. Rolando Toro Araneda.

The Hero’s Journey” is represented by 12 archetypes that characterize the journey, each of which will be dedicated a theoretical and practice section of 3 hours.

Departure: the Innocent, the Orphan, the Warrior, the Guardian angel
Journey: the Investigator, the Destructor, the Lover, the Creator
Return: the Sovereign, the Magician, the Wise, the Fool

The teacher

Flavio Boffetti

Biodanza teacher for 25 years, direct student of the founder of Biodanza, founder and director of Rolando Toro’s School of Naples, he is known abroad for his work in many countries of Europe, as well as in the United States, South America and South Africa.

When, where and what?

In order to give space for all the 12 archetypes we need 12 sessions.
This will be offered over 2 physical weekends in Oslo plus two sessions online:
23-25 September Oslo (five archetypes/five sessions)
28th September Online (one archetype/one session)
21 - 23 October Oslo (five archetypes/five sessions)
27th October Online (one archetype/one session)
Friday 23 September 18.30 - 21.30
Saturday 24 September 10.00 - 20.00
Sunday 25 September 10.00 - 17.30
Online Evenings on 28th September and 27th October, approx. 2.5hours duration, exact start time to be confirmed
Friday 21 October 18.30 - 21.30
Saturday 22 October 10.00 - 20.00
Sunday 23 October 10.00 - 17.30

Cost & payment

The cost for each weekend (part) is 2800kr or 4950kr if both weekends are paid for as a package price.
Secure your place by registering with 500kr non refundable deposit through vipps (if in Norway) to: Paola Havill Biodanza #710996 or sending email to post@biodanza.no if in another country.

Book recommendation

We recommend all students prepare through reading the resource book: "Awakening the Heroes Within" by Carol Pearson: Carol S. Pearson Books Page (carolspearson.com) purchasable through this link.
This will excite you about what is to come - we welcome you!

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