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MEDITATION ~ 12-days meditation experiance with Unni online 5-16 January 2023

21. desember 2022

Adresse: Online via zoom and in learning portal,

12 days meditation experience online

(two-for-one offer until December 25. Get your ticket and gift a friend)


Live sessions Every morning from January 5 - January 16 2023 at 07:30 - 07:55 (UTC+1) (Body & soul alignment, integration meditation)


Live sessions Evening on the following dates: January 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 & 16 2023 at 22:15 - 22:40 (UTC+1) (Gratitude meditation)

via zoom

You can join in the morning or in the evening or both!

Or you can listen to the recordings whenever you like!

All sessions will be available for you to listen to whenever you like until March 31 2023.  


The sessions are focused and to the point. You can enter the zoom room in silence. Have your camera on or off as you like, and you can come as you are, from where you are; your office, your bed, your living room, nature or other. 

ablishing a daily meditation practice. 



Normal fee meditation course: 950 kr

Discounted fee: 855 kr

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