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Ceremony of Life - Biodanza & neo-shamanism monthly group winter 2024 Oslo with Unni

16. februar 2024 18:00 - 20:30

Adresse: Dancify, Eikenga 11, 0579 Oslo

Moved by the spirit of life

Biodanza & neo-shamanism monthly group with Unni in Oslo

Friday 16. februar, 8. mars, 5. april, 26. april
from 18:00 to 20:30

«Biodanza and Neo-Shamanism» is an invitation to dive in the heart of our true nature, to live our essence and our own wild and sacred being. It is an invitation for those of us that want to surender into the life proces, to heal, to love, to expand our consciousness. It is a process of responsability and devotion. 

Each and every one of us is a blessed child of the Universe. Each and every one of us has a Divine nature, an essential connexion, a way of belonging to an archetypal lineage.

Every session we will create a ceremonial and ritual space. We will welcome the elements, the directions, life energy and our inner center – uniting with the sacredness at the very heart of our being. Some sessions I will also use my drum. 


Who can join:

The process will speak deepest to those of you that feel a connection with the theme, or has a longing to surrender deeper in to the spirit of life and go beyond your imagination and connect with what you feel, perceive and discover.

It is recommended that you already have a solid background in Biodanza or other spiritual work, and that you have good mental health. You have an integrated capacity for a healthy autoregulation.


Price, registration and payment:

Kr: 1100 for the whole course.

Max 20 participants.

Sign in by using the form on this page. There you can pay with card, vipps or even with invoice.

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