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Biodanza with Light ceremony - Tromsø

Fra 12. januar 2024
til 15. januar 2024

Adresse: Søndre Tollbodgate 3, 9008 Tromsø

It is with joy to invite you to this unique experiance in Tromsø.

Biodanza & Light Ceremony

Friday 12 January at 19:00 - 21:15
Søndre Tollbodgate 3, Tromsø
Hosted by Unni Heim
In the darkest time of the year we can see the beauty and power of the light.
The light is everywhere. Always. 
And it is within us.

This biodanza evening we celebrate life.

We will dance to connect with ourselves, with each other and with life itself. We will awaken deep joy, freedom and the sparks in every cell of our body. We will open up for expanded consciousness. 

At the end of the class there will be a lighting ceremony. You don't need to bring a light. I have enough for everyone who is registered.

Humanity needs humanity. People need people. 

Life is expression, freedom, connection, creativity, joy & connection.

The Norwegian poet Hans Børlie say it with these words: 

"One think is needed here in this world of ours of the homeless restless:
Step into the darkness and brush the soot off the lamp
so that people on the road can glimpse light in your inhabited eyes!"
Hans Børlie, 1918-1989 from the collection Vindharpe (1974)

"Ett er nødvendig her i denne vår verden av husløse og hjemløse:
Gå inn i mørket og puss sotet av lampen
slik at mennesker på veien kan skimte lys i dine bebodde øyne!"
Hans Børlie, 1918-1989 fra samlingen Vindharpe(1974)

Welcome to enter this unique possibility in Tromsø!

Dance to feel
Dance to express
Dance to connect

Celebrate life. Here and now. Let's go for it. 

How to sign in:

Please use the form in this page to register by paying the fee (350 NOK). 
Limited number of participants due to the space of the room. 

About the teacher: 

The session is facilitated by Unni Heim, founder of Biodanza i Norway and Norsk Biodanzaskole. Unni is an international biodanza teacher, and started her journey with biodanza in 2004. 

One of her passions is the essence of our life journey, the evolution and expansion of consciousness, the value of life, and the collective healing of mankind. She is trained as a Masters of engineering, psychosynthesis therapist and biodanza teacher.

Since 2000 she has been on a deep transformational journey herself as she transitioned from a life working as an international consultant in the IT-industry, to starting an inner journey due to life threatening illness.

Over the years she has been invited to teach regularly in every corner of Europe as well as South-Africa, Bali & Israel.



Biodanza & Light ceremony: 350 kr

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