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Biodanza workshop og seminar med Helene Jeanne Levy-Benseft (Brasil) - The Art of Loving - affective intelligence as our compass

Fra 21. juni 2025
til 22. juni 2025

Adresse: Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49, 0336 Oslo

Helene Jeanne Levy-Benseft, en av biodanza-pionerene i verden, kommer til Norge for aller siste gang.

Helene er en av de aller mest erfarne og ettertraktede biodanzalærerne i verden. Hun har nå valgt å trappe ned for å starte et nytt liv inne i Brasils regnskog. Sammen med sine sønner og deres ektefeller ivaretar de nå et stort landområde av vill regnskog. Der bor de i samspill med hverandre, dyr og planteliv slik at de kan dele og bygge et liv i tråd med naturen.

Denne workshopen er Seminarhelg 1 for elevene ved Norsk Biodanzaskole.

Workshopen er også åpen for deltakere som ikke er elever ved skolen. Det forutsettes at du har erfaring med biodanza via Unni eller andre biodanzalærere, og at du er godt kjent med biodanza som metode. 

Maks 65 deltakere. 

The Art of Loving - affective intelligence as our compass

Seminarhelg 1

Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49, Oslo
21. juni klokken 09:45 - 16
22. juni klokken 10 - 18. 
fasilitert av Helene Levy-Benseft fra Brasil
(PS: legg merke til klokkeslettene)

Invitasjon fra Helene: 

In every relationship we live, be it with ourselves, others or with Nature, love is the essential ingredient.

Love is a necessity in life. Just as we need to breathe and drink, we also need to love and be loved, to be vibrant humans.  

To create a healthy culture of love, we must feel and embody the vivencia of becoming love, instead of only having love. Our affective intelligence needs to develop, broaden and evolve, otherwise as adults we can remain in the infantile space of love, often behaving like children.

To flourish in our friendships, social groups, society and surroundings, love needs us to put the most mature part of ourselves at its service. The part of us that knows how to grow, how to speak and listen, how to ask without demanding, how to refuse without disqualifying, how to take responsibility without accusing and how to accept without denying oneself. Coming back to this prioritization of love saves and strengthens our relationships with others.


"Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the deepest core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being if they do not love them. Through his love, he is able to see the essential traits and characteristics of the person he loves; and even more, he sees what is potential in it, which is not yet actualized but still needs to be. Moreover, through his love, the loving person allows the loved one to actualize these potentialities. By making it aware of what it can be and what it should become, it ensures that these potentialities become reality..."

Viktor Frankl

Welcome to this workshop where Victor Frankl’s words become embodied through dances from Rolando Toro Araneda. Here they will be re-signified by Helene Levy Benseft’s decades long professional practice and rich ongoing encounter with Biodanza.

This workshop is a chance to re-energize an approach to loving in all its power. It’s an opportunity to refocus love at the service of all our relationships, so that love finds its full strength. A strength that manifests itself in tenderness, acceptance, support, trust and other admirable qualities that elevate the greatness of us as humans.

Here we can trust our affective intelligence as our inner compass in life.

Here we can all become artists of loving, both boldly and beautifully.

Pris: Kr 2250 (Spesial rabatt Kr 1125 for biodanzalærere/biodanzalærere under veileding som er medlemmer av Norsk Biodanzalærer forening - NBL. Rabatten gjelder kun de som er lærere/lærere under veiledning og ikke andre medlemmer).

Påmelding ved via skjemaet på denne siden. Der kan du betale depositum på Kr 300. Depositumet er ikke-refunderbart. Du kan bruke kreditkort, VIPPS eller be om faktura. Ca to uke før selve workshopen kommer en lenge som du bruker til å betale restbeløpt. Restbeløpet må betales innen oppmøte lørdag 21. juni.  

Hvem kan delta: 

Helgen arrangeres av Norsk Biodanzaskole og er åpen for: 

- Alle elever ved Norsk biodanzaskole, samt de som pleier å være med oss som gjester (påmelding åpen nå). 

- Alle biodanzalærere, biodanzalærere under veiledning og tidligere elever (påmelding åpen nå).

- Andre som har erfaring med biodanza og som har god kjentskap til biodanza som metode så framt vi har plass. (påmelding åpner 15. mars.)

Denne helgen regnes som seminarhelg 1 for kull 4.  

Mer om læreren Helene Jeanne Levy-Benseft: 

Helene begynte å danse biodanza i ung alder da hun bodde i Brasil. Hun var den første til å introdusere biodanza i Europa for over 40 år siden, og har vært en pioner både i Frankrike og rundt omkring i verden. Hun er ikke bare faglig meget sterk. Hun er også en vis kvinne som er på sin livsreise i innsikt og levd liv.

Hun har bodd store deler av sitt voksne liv i Frankrike, der hun også har bygget opp og ledet Biodanzaskolen i Nice. Og hun har over hele verden i en årrekke.

Da vi startet biodanza utdannelsen i Norge var hun en av de vi aller helst ville ha i vårt lærer team, og er heldige som har hatt henne som gjestelærer her ved flere anledninger siden 2011. Helene har nå nådd en alder der hun ønsker å trappe ned. Tross sin høye alder er hun fortsatt vital, sterk og lever et aktiv og kreativt liv. Og hun velger å starte nye eventyr, våge nye endringer, nye kapitler.

Hun har allerede bosatt seg i jungelen i Brasil. Der vil hun sette av tid og rom til fordypning, skriving, nære relasjoner, natur og naturlige avslutninger.

Dette er derfor den aller siste gangen hun kommer til Norge for å undervise. En unik mulighet med andre ord.

Vi er glade og takknemlige for at Helene prioriterer å komme hit en aller siste gang to for å gi fokus til det viktige temaet Affectiv Intelligens & og Kunsten å Elske.

Velkommen til deg som vil være med oss på denne unike samlingen.


Helene Jeanne Levy-Benseft, one of the original biodanza pioneers, is coming to Norway to teach for the very last time.

Helene is one of the most experienced and sought-after Biodanza teachers in the world. She has now chosen to reorient and start a new life in the Brazilian rainforest together with her sons and their spouses. They are now taking care of a large area of wild rainforest, aiming to live in harmony with each other, animals, and plant life. Together they are building a life in tune with nature.

This workshop is the first seminar weekend for students attending Norsk Biodanzaskole.

This workshop is however also open for participants who aren’t students at the school.

It is assumed that you have experience with Biodanza through Unni or other Biodanza teachers and that you are well familiar with Biodanza as a method.

Maximum 65 participants.

Scenehuset, Bogstadveien 49, Oslo
21. June 09:45 - 16
22. June 10 - 18. 
Please note the start time on Saturday!

Price: 2250 NOK (Nb: A special discount is available for Biodanza teachers or teachers under supervision who are also members of NBL, Norsk Biodanza Lærer Forening. This discount is only available to teachers and not other members of NBL)

Application to come to the workshop is via the form on this page. There you will pay a non-refundable deposit of 300 NOK. It’s possible to pay with credit card / VIPPS / or ask for an invoice.

Approximately 2 weeks before the workshop, you will receive a link where you can pay the remaining amount. This remaining amount must be paid before we meet up on Saturday 21st June.


Who Can Participate:

The weekend is organized by the Norwegian Biodanza School and is open to:

  • All students at the Norwegian Biodanza School, as well as those who regularly join us as guests (registration now open).
  • All Biodanza teachers, Biodanza teachers in training, and former students (registration now open).
  • Others with experience in Biodanza and a good understanding of the method, provided there is space available (registration opens on March 15).

This weekend counts as Seminar Weekend 1 for Cohort 4.

More About the Teacher, Helene Jeanne Levy-Benseft:

Helene first began dancing Biodanza at a young age while living in Brazil. She then became  the first to introduce Biodanza to Europe over 40 years ago and has been a pioneer facilitator, both in France and worldwide.

Helene has spent much of her adult life in France, where she led the Biodanza School in Nice, and for many years, she has taught Biodanza across the globe.

She is not only highly skilled professionally but she’s also a wise woman on a lifelong journey of insight and experience.

When we first started the Biodanza training in Norway, Helene was one of the teachers we most wanted on our team. Since 2011, we’ve been fortunate to have her as a guest teacher on multiple occasions.

Helene has now reached an age where she wishes to slow down. Despite her advanced years, she remains vital, strong, and continues to lead an active and creative life. She’s choosing to embark on new adventures, embrace change, and open new chapters.

She has already settled in the Brazilian jungle, where she will dedicate time and space to deep reflection, writing, close relationships, nature, and natural transitions.

This will be her very last teaching visit to Norway—this is a truly unique opportunity.

We are grateful and honoured that Helene has chosen to prioritize this final trip in coming to us to expound Affective Intelligence & the Art of Loving.

Welcome to this special gathering with us!



Dep Art of Loving med Helene: 300 kr

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