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Biodanza & neo-shamanism at Dharma Mountain with Unni Heim

Fra 10. oktober 2025
til 12. oktober 2025

Adresse: Dharma Mountain, Hedalsveien, 9016 Nes i Ådal, Valdres

reMembrance, Biodanza & neo-shamanism workshop retreat

Return to the matrix of regeneration, abundance & healing

from 18:00 Friday 10 October 2025
until 17.00 Sunday 12 October 2025 
Dharma Mountain, Hedalsveien 1220, 3528 Hedalen, Valdres

“Everything is alive. Become the dance of life, and enter the origin of wisdom, pleasure (placebo & healing), love and ecstatic harmony." Unni 

It is with great joy that I invite you to this biodanza weekend workshop at Dharma Mountain.

Humanity has taken steps away from the matrix of life and our natural roots. To live in disconnect from our inner wisdom has almost become a norm.

However, we are all already whole. We are all already connected. The key is just to remember it again.

In our core we all have an inner wise man/woman connected to our intuition; a part of us that can vision beyond the structures, a part of us that is eternal, a part of us guided by love.

This part of us can archetypically be called or our Inner Shaman or Inner Healer, whose wisdom springs from integration & unity with the forces of nature. Nature has its own codes of insight waiting for us to come back to.

Immerse into dances and rituals nourished by the roots of ancient wisdom invoking sacred dances of transcendence and expansion of consciousness.

Welcome remembrance, regeneration, healing & love.

- Biodanza vivencias indoors & maybe one outside
- Drumming
- Voice
- Sun-rise salutation by the river (for those of you that are early birds)
- Bonfire if the weather allows it
- Ceremonies/rituals

All the core powers of biodanza will help us on this path:

- the power of the group, 
- the power of music,
- the power of integrated movements,
- the power of contact & caress,
- the power of trance & regression &
- vivencias of all the 5 lines we dance in biodanza. The line of transcendence plays a central role.
Our aim is to generate integration, new foundations and health.  

Example of agenda (times may be subject to change):

Friday 18:15 joint welcome gathering
Friday 18:30 dinner
Friday 20:00 opening session with biodanza

08:30 breakfast/free time
10:00 session
13:00 lunch and free time
16:30 session
19:00 evening meal and free time
Evening: free time or evening activity with campfire/meditation/singing/poetry etc.

08:30 breakfast/free time
10:00 session
12:30 lunch and free time / unpacking from cabins
15:00 closing session with biodanza
17:00 departure

Who can join:

Our approach is gentle and non-cathartic /non-pushy, yet this is a profound workshop so we take for granted that you already have a basic understanding of biodanza and the powers we use as tools.

It is for you that feels the calling to connect deeper to the mystery of life and the primordial/ancestral/eternal wisdom.

You need to have a healthy relation with self-regulation/containment. You do not have any psychotic tendencies. You also need to be drug free.


Location: Dharma Mountain
I have had the pleasure of holding more than 30 workshops, courses and retreats at Dharma Mountain over the past 15 years. It is a true pleasure to invite you to spend 3 magical days at this beautiful place. Situated by a small lake, surrounded by grasslands, forests and rivers, and surrounded by tall, majestic mountains, Dharma Mountain is a place for deep inner connection and restoration. The aesthetic expression of the place, with flowers, art and natural beauty, gives us the perfect setting to immerse ourselves in both nature and ourselves.


The food served here is absolutely delicious – made with love and care. Dharma Mountain serves locally sourced vegetarian food. They can offer adaptations for those who need gluten-free, lactose-free or vegan options.

NB: Please write in the comments field on the registration form if you would like to order a gluten-free, lactose-free or vegan alternative.

You must also inform us about any other allergies there (in the comments field). In some cases, Dharma Mountain can adapt the food to suit allergies if they are notified in good time. In other cases, you will have to bring extra food yourself. You & Dharma will find out this together, well in advance of the retreat.


You can choose whether you want to stay in a cabin (either single room, double room, in the attic).

Most cabins have two bedrooms with space for two people (one cabin is much larger and has 3 bedrooms). In addition, all cabins have a sleeping loft.

All cabins also have a bathroom with sink, shower and toilet, as well as a kitchen.


Early bird price by signing in before September 2nd:

  • Accommodation in a single room plus food and admin: NOK 4050 + workshop NOK 1500 = NOK 5550
  • Accommodation in a shared room or loft, plus food and admin: NOK 3300 + workshop NOK 1500 = NOK 4800
  • Accommodation in your own tent or campervan plus food and admin: NOK 2800 + workshop NOK 1500 = NOK 4300

If you register later than September 2nd, your price will increase by NOK 500 which will be added to the early bird price.

To register, please use the form on this page to pay the deposit (Kr 660). 

The Norwegian currency NOK is in the moment very low in respect to USD/Euros/Pounds. This means that it is a good time for foreigners to travel to Norway.

What is included in the price?

All sessions/workshops/ceremonies and group activities
Accommodation for 2 nights and use of main room. Read more about the cabins here.
Cleaning of the cabin upon departure
Hot evening meal on the day of arrival
Breakfast, hot lunch and evening meal on Saturday
Breakfast and hot lunch on Sunday
Coffee and tea during breaks
Use of sauna once

Bed sheets & towels can be rented as a set for 260 NOK.

More about Dharma Mountain:
The retreat takes place in the middle of wild nature with mountains, rivers, trees and fresh air at the beautiful www.dharmamountain.com in Hedalen. The place is a perfect setting for inner contact, rest, vitality and harmony.

Dharma Mountain
Hedalsvegen 1220, 3528 Hedalen i Valdres
(+47) 94 89 10 10

How to get there:
Dharma Mountain is located approx. 2 hours drive south-west of Oslo. You can get here by car or bus (Valdressekspressen to Nes in Ådal, and from there a taxi the short last part).

The facilitator:
Unni Heim is an experienced and warm facilitator, therapist and space-holder. She has worked with biodanza and human development for more than 20 years, and has led retreats and trained biodanza teachers in several countries. Her background as a psychosynthesis therapist and biodanza teacher means that she is able to lead the group with deep empathy and competence.



Dep WS Dharma Oct singel: 660 kr

Dep WS Dharma Oct double: 660 kr

Dep WS Dharma Oct tent/car: 660 kr

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