Workshop in Oslo: HUMAN - a living wonder - with Unni Heim 10. - 11. september 2016

Welcome to a two-days biodanza workshop in Oslo with Unni Heim.
Saturday September 10th at 11:00 to 18:00 and Sunday September 11th at 11:00 to 17:00
Theme for the workshop:
"Human - a living wonder"
Being human is a gift, a journey, an adventure, a mystery beyond anything. We all belong to each other. We are all the same. Yet we are so different and unique.
We are capable of creating cultures to secure our lives, cultures where divine art is created, cultures where life flowish. However, we are also able to create cultures that is limiting and supressing the natural life force. We are even capable of creating cultures of hate and devaluation of life.
This weekend I will invite us to raise the value of life. I invite you to celebrate being human. I invite you to expand the vission of what it meens to me human. We will welcome our wildness, our tenderness, our animalistic aspects, of friendships, our love and our spiritual dimensions. And most of all stimulate us to start wondering; not to get the right answers, but to open our heart for the creatures we are and for the path we are on.
There can be no peace on this planet unless we start lifting the value of life, embracing who we are, and learn to find the balance between our forces. This goes hand in hand with a dignity within ourselves. A dignity that tels us that we have a inborn right to be free, side by side, and in relation to other human beings.
In the declatations of Human Rights, article 1 we can read: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
It all starts with the indivitual: the individual in relation to one selfe, the indivitual in relation to other people and the individual as a part of a greater unity.
Come and celebrate being human with us!
Price for the workshop: 1300 NOK. (price for students from Norsk Biodanzaskole and people with season card in my weekly group: 1100 NOK)
Early bird discount if signing up before august 20th 2016: 1100 NOK. (students from Norsk Biodanzaskole and people with season card in my weekly group: 900 NOK)
To sign up and secure your place please pay a deposit of 300 NOK to:
Bank account: 90441101219
Remember to write your name and "Human" in the payment. You also have to send an email to
The deposit is non refundable.
This course is open to anybody that is practicing, or have been practicing biodanza regularly, as well as for people with workshop experiance.
If you do not fit in any of these categories, and would like to join, please contact Unni so that we can decide together if this is a good workshop for you.
The workshop is given in English only if we have English speeking partisipants.
The workshop is given in Norweginan only if we have no English speeking partisipants.