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Identity and the Four Elements - vivencial Biodanza weekend with Helene Levy Benseft - seminar weekend

Fra 24. mai 2019
til 26. mai 2019

Adresse: HAFOS (Hadeland folkehøgskole) Augedalsvegen 15 , Brandbu

It is of great honour and happiness that we invite you to the vivencial Biodanza weekend

Identity and the Four Elements.

We are lucky to have Helene Levy Benseft coming to us from France to conduct it. 

Location: Brandbu, 1.5 hours north of Oslo, Norway

Begins: Friday 24th May 2019 at 18:00

Ends: Sunday 26th of May at 18:00

The workshop is organized by Norsk Biodanzaskole, and is the 2nd seminar weekend for the current cycle of the school. 

The weekend is also open to:
- all students at any biodanza school
- all teachers of biodanza
- all students under supervision
- everybody that has been practising Biodanza two years or more.
We recommend that you have experienced vivencias including the four elements.

NB: After attending this vivencial weekend, biodanza teachers, students under supervision and those from the 3rd year of educational training are welcome to do the Extension training "Identity and the Four Elements", held 10 - 14 July 2019 at Dharma Mountain, also by Helene. See more information here:  https://biodanza.no/arrangement-2643.html

Identity and the Four Elements:

The origin of the universe is an enigma, which has always held an extraordinary fascination for the human spirit.
This has given birth to different theories – both biological and spiritual - regarding the origin of the universe in order to understand, explain or to represent the passage of chaos towards order and the placement of the human being within.

The same principles, which form the basis of these classical cosmogonies, continue fertilizing the imagination and unconscious of the human beings, in the form of symbols and archetypes.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water are among these archetypes that activate real "hormones" in us. The elements stimulate sensory representations of bodily experiences (feelings, emotions and behaviors) that contribute to the intimate integration of the tangible.

On the human level, individual evolution is related to the "organizing" power of each element. A balanced and harmonious expression of our inner Four Elements will therefore be one of the major keys to our personal integration and our relationship to the cosmic totality.

The proposed 'Identity and Four Elements’ in Biodanza, is based upon the structural analysis of each participant, aiming to stimulate the most inhibited elements and balance the more excessive.

Through dance, invocation and the realization of symbolic vivencias, everyone can find their inner "Alchemist" who is able to transform mundane existence into an experience of a life of plentitude; able to draw a path from the chaos and the flatness towards more order and wholeness.

The teacher:

Helene Levy Benseft was one of the first people to bring Biodanza to Europe in the 1980s. For several decades, she has directed the Biodanza school in Nice as well as teaching all over the world.

Helen followed the extension specialization course "Identity and the four elements" with Rolando Toro Araneda and Ruth Cavalcante and has led workshops on the Four Elements for more than 25 years. The IBF (International Biocentric Foundation), under the tutelage of Rolando Toro Araneda, has authorized Helen Levy Benseft to lead facilitators of training modules in the specialization of this extension.

She has already contributed largely in the development of Biodanza here in Norway, and we are deeply grateful and happy to have here with us once again.



Price workshop weekend 24-26 May 2019: 1950 NOK

Price lodging and food (2 nights including food):

You have 3 options:

950 NOK to sleep on the floor communally with a mattress

1250 NOK to sleep in a double room shared with 1 other (usally in a bunk bed)

1550 NOK to sleep in a single bedroom

These prices include 2 nights accommodation,  x 1 light meal upon arrival Friday, 3 x meals Saturday, 3 x meals Sunday. 

NB for everybody: You have to bring your own blanket/duvet, pillow, quilt and case. If you do not want to bring your own, you can rent the whole package for 240 NOK and you can rent a towel for 45 NOK extra.

PAYMENT and payment rules:

To secure your space, please sign up and pay the deposit of 500 NOK by using the form. After paying your non-refundable deposit, you will receive an email confirmation. 

The remainder must be paid by May 10th 2019 latest.  We will in due time email the link you can use for this transfer.  

If you have questions you can email Paola at post@biodanza.no



The venue: Hadeland Folkehoyskole in Brandbu, 70 kilometers North from Oslo, viewable here: http://www.hafos.no/

This is a school where young people live for a year and learn about life.

The address is Augedalsvegen 15, 2760 Brandbu. Use google maps to view the place in reference to the airports and Oslo.



Oslo has 2 airports: Gardermoen and Torp. The main airport is Gardermoen, which is also the closest to the venue.
If you fly into Gardermoen:

Alternative 1: You can go by bus directly without travelling in to Oslo. The distance is 50 km from this airport. Take a bus from Gardermoen to Lunder Rådhus in Roa. From there you take a taxi the final 17 kilometres. NB: This bus only departs every 2 hours.
Link to the bus company driving directly to Roa:
Phone to Gran Taxi: +476133300. Web

Alternative 2: You can take the train to Oslo Central Railway Station. This train departs from Gardemoen every 10 minutes. From there you take the train to Jaren. From Jaren you must take a taxi the last 5 km.
Phone to Gran Taxi: +476133300. Web
Web to NSB (the train service in Norway):



Deposit: 500 kr

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