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Biodanza weekend WORKSHOP with Unni Heim in CZECH REPUBLIC June 1. - 3. 2018

Workshops og retreats med Unni Heim

The workshop will take place from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon 1-3 June 2018. More information is comming!

Biodanza Silence retreat at Dharma Mountain with Unni Heim

Biodanza Silence retreat at Dharma Mountain with Unni Heim

Workshops og retreats med Unni Heim

Biodanza Silence retreat with Unni Heim, - 4 day retreat at Dharma Mountain in the Hedalen valley, Valdres in Norway from 18:00 Thursday 29. March 2018 until approx 16.00 Sunday 1. April 2018   (Easter holiday) "Coming home, going in and the nourishing power of Silence and Peace". Life is a constant vibra ...

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Biodanza World Encounter in Bali - Indonesia Feb 26 - March 3 2018

Biodanza World Encounter in Bali - Indonesia Feb 26 - March 3 2018

Workshops og retreats med Unni Heim

February 26. to March 3. we come together to dance and connect to the spirit of life on Bali. Bali been my refuge a couple of time; moments of my life when I needed to connect deeper to my soul. So when I was invited to be part of the teachers team on the first Biodanza encounter on Bali I could not be more happy! Co ...

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Biodanza encounter in Germany 22 - 25. September 2017

Biodanza encounter in Germany 22 - 25. September 2017

Workshops og retreats med Unni Heim

Friday 22 –  Sunday 24 September 2017, Hof Oberlethe, Oldenburg I will give a vivencia together with Claire Lewis from Scotland. The theme of the vivencia is: "The whisper from within – Calling the Angel of Harmony, Health and Love". Come to Germany an dance with me, other teachers and people from all over the ...

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Biodanza DAGS-WORKSHOP I NATUREN i KRISTIANSAND med Unni Heim lørdag 10. juni 2017
Biodanza WORKSHOP in OSLO with Unni Heim 3-4 June 2017 - ROOTS AND WINGS
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